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Affordable Home Care and Medical Equipment Rental In Chennai - Rent Home Medical Supplies

Affordable Home Care and Medical Equipment Rental in Chennai

Affordable Home Care and Medical Equipment Rental in Chennai – “Care and Cure at Home”

Why You Should Rent Home Medical Supplies?

If you or your loved ones need medical care from home due to sudden illness, injury, or old age, Care and Cure At Home believes renting home medical supplies may be the answer. While we give you the option to buy or rent supplies, read on to find why you may want to stick to renting for now.

Renting Is Realistic: Medical supplies are costly, regardless if you are renting or buying. That being said, you should consider your current financial situation extensively. While buying allows you to own your equipment, it requires hefty upfront costs. Renting allows you to split the total cost into a monthly amount that fits your wallet comfortably.

Renting Includes Repairs: More often than not, your home medical supplies rental contract will include maintenance and repairs. If you were to buy, any form of service will likely be on top of the original cost. You should deeply consider if you will be able to repair your own equipment or if it will be possible to cover repair fees. Renting provides a great amount of freedom and security.

Consider Resale Value: Much like a car or home, the minute you take ownership over home medical supplies, the value goes down immensely. Hopefully, you or your loved one won’t be sick forever, so you should consider what you will do with the supplies once it’s not needed anymore. With how frequently medical equipment is upgraded, you may find it difficult to sell your outdated supplies.

Rental Equipment Is Portable: You will find that home medical equipment comes in a variety of sizes. From portable oxygen tanks to massive hospital beds, it is important to consider how frequently you will have to move your equipment. If you were to buy supplies, you would likely be required to cover your own transportation costs. However, if you were to rent your equipment, you will typically enjoy pick-up and delivery services in Chennai.

Regardless where life takes you, it is important to know that you can find home medical equipment in its many forms. Care and Cure at Home provides medical supplies to buy, as well as rent if that better suits your lifestyle.

Looking for a compassionate and affordable Home Health Care in Chennai? Care and Cure At Home offers world-class home health care services across Chennai that allow you to get professional health care in the comfort of your home. Our highly trained Nurses, Attendants, Medical Equipment Rent / Sale and Physiotherapists provide quality care and medical support to patients. They help with medication, injury or post-surgery recovery and personal care.

Our at Home Services include Critical Care, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Nursing – 12 hours/ 24 hours  (Long Term and Short Term), Lab Sample Collection at Home, Doctor Consultation at Home / Tele-Consultation, Medical Equipment for Rent / Sale, Trained Attendants, Elder Care, Diabetes Care, Nutrition and Diet Consultation, Counselling, Medicine Delivery and Care Givers.

Let our family take care of yours. Trust us to help your loved one recover quickly and restore functionality, all from the comfort of home. Your family member at Care & Cure At Home is just a call away. Emergency can happen anytime. Save this number. For more information, please call +91-9655691111.